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2023 Legislative Insider: 05.11.2023

Jun 11, 2024

GDA 2023 Post-Legislative Session Update

With the legislative session behind us, you might think the pace of your Government Affairs team has slowed. But frankly, the end of the session means the beginning of fundraising season, policy strategy, and planning for the next session. We will have exciting announcements coming your way soon. 

Meanwhile, the Capitol hasn't seen much action from legislators or lobbyists, but the Governor and Lt. Governor's offices have been hopping. Under Georgia law, Governor Kemp has 40 days from the end of the session to weigh legislation and decide what he will sign and what he will veto. You may have seen the Governor and your own elected officials in your neck of the woods over the last four weeks as priority legislation has been signed in all four corners of our state. Last Friday, the Governor signed the budget in Savannah and at 5pm released a list of vetoes and disregards to legislation and line items from the budget adopted by the legislature.

Unfortunately, the dental community was not immune to the veto pen. The inclusion of adult dental Medicaid reimbursement that mirrored what minors currently receive, as well as the Medicaid rate increases for seventeen different dental codes, were "disregarded" - which technically means that the Governor has ordered the Department of Community Health not to fulfill the legislature's edicts. It is unclear why the rate increases for the seventeen codes originally provided to us were included in the "disregard" language. Governor Kemp’s justification for this decision is as follows:

"The General Assembly seeks to appropriate $1,401,214 in state general funds to the Department of Community Health for the Medicaid: Low-Income Medicaid program to be used for adult coverage of dental services. The General Assembly seeks to fund the scope of services reimbursable by Medicaid by reducing required base funding for Medicaid, which is likely to create a shortfall in the program. Additionally, the amount provided is insufficient to meet actual service expansion costs based on utilization rates seen in other states and leaves significant outyear unfunded liabilities. Therefore, the agency is directed to disregard the language in line 95.6 and utilize funds for expense and growth needs in accordance with the purpose of the program and general law powers of the department."

With an unprecedented 139 line-item disregards and vetoes, we are far from being the only ones left disappointed, confused, and frustrated. The disregard doesn't exactly place us at "square one", as we continue to advocate for Medicaid rate increases each year. But, that doesn't take the sting out of losing the increase we thought we were receiving or the excitement of either, which would have positively impacted thousands of Georgians. 

The silver lining is that we have another guaranteed year of Appropriation chairmen and committee members in both chambers who have a) approved the rate increases intended for the upcoming budget, and b) saw the need and value of adult coverage of dental services. We are preaching to choir, both here with our readers and with those members of the General Assembly, when we say that preventative care and the inclusion of these dental services for adults are vital for the health of Georgians. There is work on our end to be done as both budget offices continue their work in the off season, looking at a revised budget for FY2024 and the FY2025 budget. Conversations are already happening with budget analysts, and your Government Affairs Team feels hopeful simply knowing that the door has been opened in our favor regarding removing major barrier to care for underserved, adult patients of Georgia.

With that said, there is no better segue to bring our GDAPAC fund into the discussion. The GDAPAC is a vital arm of our organization and your support and participation is crucial to the continuation of our work under the Gold Dome. You can make a donation by clicking HERE or reaching out to me via email: I would love to help you find a level of support that best fits your needs and interests.