Rules and Regulations FAQ
This page provides information on laws and regulations members often ask about. Each answer usually includes a link to the full text of a law or regulation as well as excerpts of interest from said text: These materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have additional legal questions, you should contact the risk management department of your malpractice carrier and/or consult with a private attorney.
Where can I find basic rules and regulations for Georgia dentists?
Rules promulgated by Georgia’s Board of Dentistry can be found in chapter 150 of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia.
How can I get involved in legislative advocacy?
- Check out our Contact Dentist Program, and sign up for our next GDA LAW Day at the capitol. Financial support can be directed to the Georgia Dental Association Political Action Committee.
I would like to volunteer/contribute to the GDA Foundation for Oral Health.
- The foundation has upcoming opportunities to volunteer. Also, consider attending an annual fundraising event or making a donation.