
Trillium Partners at UBS Financial Services Inc. has been working with the Georgia Dental Association as a Wealth Manager since 2002. Located in Atlanta, the team provides comprehensive wealth management and retirement plan advice to all GDA members through the GDA/UBS Wealth Management Program. Specializing in financial advice and the wealth management needs of dentists, their families, and their practices, Trillium Partners enables GDA members to leverage the vast scale of products and services. at UBS, as well as the team’s experience working with this demographic.
Trillium Partners has the capability to analyze dental practices, identify the specific needs of the dentist, and provide education regarding retirement plan options that best suits their needs and those of their employees. In addition, GDA members are welcome to financial planning services through the GDA/UBS Wealth Management Program. The comprehensive financial plan helps dental professionals set their goals, determine their risk tolerance, assess their current financial situation, and create a road map for guidance in reaching financial goals.
For more information, please visit our website at https://advisors.ubs.com/trillium/ or contact us at 404-760-3301 or TrilliuimPartners@ubs.com.

As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, UBS Financial Services Inc. offers investment advisory services in its capacity as an SEC-registered investment adviser and brokerage services in its capacity as an SEC-registered broker-dealer. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. It is important that you understand the ways in which we conduct business, and that you carefully read the agreements and disclosures that we provide to you about the products or services we offer. For more information, please review client relationship summary provided at ubs.com/relationshipsummary, or ask your UBS Financial Advisor for a copy. In providing financial planning services, we may act as a broker-dealer or investment adviser, depending on whether we charge a fee for the service. The nature and scope of the services are detailed in the documents and reports provided to you as part of the service. Financial planning does not alter or modify in any way a client's existing account(s) or the terms and conditions of any account agreements they may have with UBS. For more information speak with a Financial Advisor.
UBS Financial Services Inc. is not affiliated with the Georgia Dental Association.
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